Cookie Policy Page

We take your privacy very seriously.

Ingenuity Impact does not actively track you as an individual.

The website does use some cookies when you browse this website. These are used to ensure proper running of this website, and also to help us improve your experience when browsing.

We use google analytics which uses a cookie – we do this so can improve the site in the future but please note we have purposefully set it NOT to track you IP which means its completely anonymous.

If you don’t know what cookies are or if you would like to find out more, please read this BBC guide here.

Should you wish to contact us to learn more please email us at

None of the information we gather via cookies identifies you as an individual – it is all entirely anonymous.

We use cookies on the Develop Platform to track the real time commitment involved when you take part in Ingenuity Impact. We anticipate that all participants will spend at least 15 hours working through the Develop Platform to build your business plans and pitches.

Using this data, we will be able to evolve the Develop Platform and the expected time commitment to ensure future cycles of the Ingenuity Impact are accessible and inclusive to people with work, caring or study commitments.

If you have any questions please contact

©Ingenuity Impact 2024. All rights reserved. Website developed by Seismik.